Welcome Wildcats!! “Cat Care” is South McKeel Academy’s before and after school program. We are open Monday-Friday before school at 7:00 AM and after school from 3:00PM until 6:00PM. ALL children must be picked up by 6:00!
Cat Care is a full time program open only on school days following the school calendar. Last minute emergencies or drop offs are not accepted. Each student MUST have a registration on file or they cannot stay.
Registration is $30 per family. Payments for the week are due each Monday. Adjustments will not be made for the days children do not attend due to illness, appointments, etc. Payments need to be given directly to a Cat Care staff member.
Questions? Please call me. I am in the office Monday-Friday 8:00-3:00. 510-0044 Ext. 222.
Thank you,
Sherri Pandolfi
Cat Care Coordinator/Principal’s Secretary